Get to Know Orincy
I am a black woman who creates.
Still learning I can be more than one thing, I am sharing my passions and interests with you. We have been trained to choose “one goal” in this society, but what happens when your ancestors have blessed you with gifts and talents to last a lifetime. I am great at layout design so I’ve always wanting to make a magazine, I have a passion for helping people’s businesses get branded beautifully, I knit beautiful cases for your products, I have been dancing my entire life, I love to do hair, I love playing my video games. I have so many passions but what do I put in the box that says “Occupation”? It’s beautiful that we can share ourselves with each other, and honestly, that is what’s helping me explore who I am.
Continue to learn about yourself, and learn how to better you own life. We are more than one thing. We are curious and creative creatures that deserve the space to find our way.